
How many do you think you have? I think I only have maybe 30 (counting my Harry Potter cookbook, too, dammit, even though I might never get around to whipping up black pudding, I am quite sure), but I have a giant basket full of loose leaf paper and magazine clippings and notebooks and post-it notes. I think I'm going to start trying to put them here. Like, I'm going to try to use this site for what it was intended.

This morning I have two mushy bananas that I don't want to throw out. I don't have the cream to make banana ice cream (which is a shame - it's so dreary and humid and hot outside, ice cream would perk up the Paddies for sure), but I do have all the fixings for banana nut bread.

Except...I can't find mom's recipe.

I can find Paula Deen's recipe. I can find Miss Mary Bobo's recipe. I bet I could find something JK Rowling would do with two mushy bananas, but all I want is Brenda Fern's banana bread.

I use this site at least once a week to cook. I pull up the recipe I want on my laptop, and get cooking. No leafing through pages and pages of scribbled notes like I used to, just a quick search and I've got what I need.

(note to self: find and add that really good buttercream recipe because if I have to spend one more Saturday googling buttercream...)

Anyway, so hopefully you'll see an onslaught of recipes show up. Some may be silly, but I have to write down everything because I have a terrible memory. I'll try to stick to ones I've tried for now.

And as soon as I've found that banana nut bread recipe, It's going up.


  1. YES post random recipe clippings! I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses this site to actually cook from. WE ARE USEFUL TO EACH OTHER.

    I also did not have Mom's banana bread recipe so thank you for finding it. I, like, always have bananas about to go bad in my house. Every day, in fact.

    As for cookbooks, well...I don't have many. I have a very nice one about fondues, I have that old Effie church cookbook with the gag recipes in it (how to cook an elephant, etc.), and I have maybe 2-3 others, but honestly, I use three main resources for recipes:

    1. The Internet (Why are my enchiladas mushy?, What can I substitute for *ingredient I can't find*, How do I make that thing I got at Olive Garden?)

    2. Mom's old notebooks (For those times when I need to know if something tastes as good now as it did when I was eight.)

    3. THE BOOK (A combination of the above methods)

    My Book is in a big white binder with compartments in the front and back. In the back compartment, I file loose recipes - clippings, print-outs, scrawled notes, etc.

    The front compartment is labled in big black letters: PLAN B. It is full of delivery and take-out menus.

    1. yay, i fixed our settings where we can reply to comments.

      HAHA plan b! plan b is always sonic for us.

      hey, do you know how to make those enchiladas jr. used to make? they were like little pancakes. yummy. and...nothing like an enchilada, i've learned in my old age.

    2. Awesome! Good job, thank you.

      No, I do not know how he did whatever it was that he did there. We need to find out, though. For the memories. <3

      I've been working on restaurant-style enchiladas, but they're nowhere near ready for posting. There's a sweet spot you have to hit when making the sauce (ROUX IS A BITCH) and I still suck at it.
