
Pancake mix - on the list! I get kind of tired of straight up pancakes, though. I'm not the biggest fan. If I make them, I want fruit in them, or on top of them, or something a little different about them. Husband balks at fruit in pancakes (so nutritious! so full of flavor! please...don't!) so we usually just have plain ol' boring ass pancakes. Sometimes I get crazy and make waffles.

So I have this box of pancake mix set to expire NEXT MONTH. I really need to get a move on, right? So I went to brand website to look up recipes. I wanted a blueberry muffin recipe, since last night we bought a ton of blueberries. The website had noooothing. So I looked at another brand's website, found a recipe, read the reviews, and decided to just play. All the reviews said THIS IS GREAT (but I did this differently), so I gathered all that information and brought it to my kitchen. And I made pretty damn good muffins with it, too!

Blueberry Muffins

2 cups pancake mix
2/3 cups milk
3/4 cups sugar (might want to add more if your mix doesn't have sugar in it already - read the ingredients!)
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 egg
1 cup fresh blueberries

(this makes 12 muffins)

Put everything in a bowl except the blueberries. Stir is all around just until it's mixed. Add the blueberries and fold in. Put in your greased muffin pan and bake around 15 minutes.

VOILA! Easy, fast, fluffy, not-to-sweet, homemade blueberry muffins. Thinking about making another batch to bring to work.

1 comment:

  1. nice! i too have a giant box of pancake mix that i do nothing with (because i love pancakes but hate standing over the stove all morning to make them.)

    this would also be a great way to use any leftover berries i have before they go bad. DOUBLE COOL. i would like to try them with all kinds of berries now that i'm thinking about it...
